


Department of Medical, Health & Family Welfare


National Mental Health Programme (NMHP)

Program Officer and Other Employee at State :

1 Dr. Sunil Pandey State Programme Officer 9839948037   Statenmhp.up@gmail.com

Program Objective :

  • To ensure availability and accessibility of minimum mental health care for all in the foreseeable future, particularly to the most vulnerable and underprivileged sections of population.
  • To encourage application of mental health knowledge in general health care and in social development.
  • To promote community participation in the mental health services development and to stimulate efforts towards self-help in the community.

Program Aim :

  • Prevention and treatment of mental and neurological disorders and their associated disabilities.
  • Use of mental health technology to improve general health services.
  • Application of mental health principles in total national development to improve quality of life

Brief Description of Programme :

  • Training programmes For Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, Paramedical staff and other staff under the NMHP Programme.
  • Public education in the mental health to increase awareness and reduce stigma.
  • For early detection and treatment, the OPD and indoor services are provided.
  • Providing valuable data and experience at the level of community to the state and Centre for future planning, improvement in service and research.
  • Awareness through IEC campaign.
  • Divyang Certification of Mentally challenged person.
  • Organize Urban Slum Camps, Suicide Prevention Camp, and Workplace Stress Management Camp.
  • Outreach camp for Society and for those adolescent who are not attending the school.
  • Counseling services are provided under DMHP by District Counseling Centre.
  • Life Skills Education and Counselling in schools, under School Programme.

Mental Health Care Bill, 2017 :

  • Special provision for mentally/intellectually disabled.
  • Special care for homeless Psychiatric patients.
  • Responsibility of Home department (Police) towards destitute psychiatric patients.
  • Responsibility of different departments in controlling drug abuse inter-sectoral coordination.
  • Rules for hospitalization of psychiatric patients.
  • Record keeping of psychiatric patients.
  • Privacy / Confidentiality of psychiatric patients.

Year of Starting : 1998
Program running in District : All 75 districts of Uttar Pradesh

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