


Department of Medical, Health & Family Welfare


National Programme For Prevention & Control of Cancer,Diabetes,Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke (NPCDCS)


  • Control and prevent the common non-communicable diseases by adopting changes in lifestyle and behavior
  • To provide primary diagnosis and management of common non-communicable diseases
  • Necessary management for control, prevention and diagnosis of common non-communicable diseases at various levels
  • In order to curb the rising numbers of common non-communicable diseases, providing training for the human resources such as doctors, paramedics and nurses providing community health services
  • Capacity building for palliative treatment and rehabilitation

Tasks to be done under this programme:

  • Blood pressure and diabetes test (with glucometer and glucostrips) for pregnant women and every individual per 30 years at Sub-Centre and Primary Health Centre
  • To refer the precarious patients from Sub-Centers and Primary Health Centers to Community Health Centers for the necessary diagnosis and treatment
  • To provide treatments for diabetes, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, brain-strokes at Community Health Centers
  • To refer critical patients from Community Health Center to the District Hospitals
  • To manage and provide proper treatment to the Out-Patients, In-Patients and Intensive Care Patients in the District Hospital
  • To refer the critical patients from District Hospital to even higher medical centers
  • To refer the serious cancer patients to the tertiary cancer center
    This program is financed by Government of India and the State Government

2024 Website Designed and Developed by DGMHUP-IT CELL Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh